Why friends are important. Det här gav mig alltså MVG i Engelska, är typ lite fint ändå.
My friends are honestly the weirdest freaking people I’ve ever met and that is how I know that we belong together. If we didn’t have any friends, who else would help us up when we fall? Like who would tell us that our choice of clothing is the worst decisions we ever made? Or who would tell us that we have issues when we get all weird? And most of all who would laugh at us when we faceplant if we didn’t have any friends?
“Our friends are the most important people in this world” that is the most valuable thing we’ll ever learn. Everything says it, movies, society and books.
I knew it, I always had. Everybody said it since my childhood that I shouldn’t give up on my friends and that they are a gift. But it’s not until you lose a friend you really know how valuable and important they are. And that is a lesson we all have to learn sometime in our life, sadly enough.
I both hate and love my friends, sometimes I want to punch them in the face and take a run for it, but mostly I love them and I would probably never hit them. But though they are the most amazing people I’ve met they are also the ones who can get on my last nerves.
We all have our bad sides and like everybody else they have theirs. But to be able to love somebody that much you also have to be able to live with their flaws. And in a friendship, that is exactly what you do, you forget about the bad things that make you want to hit them and then you focus on the things that make you want to be their friend. Like for an example, when I’m with my friends I feel bad for all the other people out there. The people that don’t get to listen to our conversations and enjoy our hilariousness.
In order to be somebody’s friend you first of all need to be just as weird and freaky as them. But mostly you have to be able to be there as a friend and a support them in whatever they are going through. That is one of the beauties of having friends, no matter how fucked up you are, the ground rule of being friends is to never give up on them in their dark times. So you know that you can always count on them.
John Lennon once said that “I get by with a little help from my friends”. Which is probably the most correct quote ever, because our friends are the people that understands us like the back of their head. They are the ones who made us who we are, and if we get in a bad path they are ones that know us well enough to steer us into the right direction.
I’ve had friends since birth and I hope that I will have friends until the day I die. Because without them I think the world must be so dark and you must feel so alone. I can’t imagine the feeling to not have those special people in your life that makes you feel so good.
That is probably one of my greatest fears, to lose my friends, to be alone. I don’t feel like being some sad old lady with 47 cats. I really just prefer having my friends for the rest of my life.
Me and my friends friendship is like this, the whole thing. I’m there for them, they are there for me and we love each other no matter what. We have our ups and downs in our friendship, but the bad things evens out when the good things are so much better. And that is what a friendship is supposed to be like; friends should laugh and cry together. All in once if it’s possible, it should all be like PMS. Even though everything sucks, in the end of the week everything goes back to normal.
But this is just me; I don’t know how other people feel or what their friends are like. But I would be surprised if other people’s friendships aren’t anything like this, then I would also feel sorry for them because having a friendship like this is the best thing ever and I feel bad for the people who live their lives without it. Because I don’t think I would make it a week, especially not a life time.